Jo Hilder, a cancer survivor who lives in Australia, has written something we all should read. I say all of us because, statistically, just about everyone reading this will know someone who faces cancer. I know I have a tendency to say insensitive things from time to time in all situations, but cancer is a situation which especially requires sensitivity. Judging by the fact that Jon Acuff's "Stuff Christians Like" blog post about the same topic received hundreds of comments last June, this is a subject which needs addressing. Hilder's experience as a cancer patient gave her an insight that we all can learn from, of course. But I have to say that when I read the title, I was afraid the book would be taking on a lecturing tone and would shine a light on all the buffoonish things I have said over the years. I am glad to say I was wrong. "Things Not to Say to Someone Who Has Cancer" never condescends, never lectures, and never makes the reader feel di...