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Showing posts from January, 2017

It's all about the (R)

For those who are not aware, I am very politically conservative. Small government, strong defense, pro-life, etc. I have also been very vocal that I do not think Donald Trump was a wise choice to be president. It's led to a lot of good conversations with my pro-Trump friends and those who are not. One very good friend, who I admire greatly and who has been an excellent example to me in many ways, is a Trump defender and asked me to read the text of Dr Robert Jeffress' inaugural address. Here is my email to my friend.  I read the Robert Jeffress inaugural message you sent me at blog/when-god-chooses-a- leader-dr-jeffress- inauguration-day-message  , and I have these thoughts.  1. The Wall Dr. Jeffress points point that God enabled Nehemiah to build a wall to protect His people from their enemies. Although many of Trump's critics have opposed the idea of a wall, I have not commented on this myself, because in truth, I am torn. I a...