For the record, I am an evangelical Christian. I am a conservative, both politically and theologically. I fit most of the stereotypes most people associate with words like " evangelical " and " conservative ". Bible inerrancy? Check. White male? Check. Small government? Check. Pro-life? Check. Bothered by changes in what is considered acceptable, particularly in the area of sexual morals, in my country in recent years? Check. So trust me when I tell you that the words which follow do not come from some left-leaning, Slate-reading, tree-hugger with an anti-Evangelical agenda. No, this criticism of modern evangelical culture comes from the inside. With my insider status established, let's go forward: We on the political and theological Right have a habit of conveying dissatisfaction over Political Correctness in academia, the press, and in our entertainment, with the main gripe being that PC is a way of preventing the expression of certain ideas...