In a passing conversation recently, I mentioned " Eat It " to my son, and it became clear that, not only did he have no idea who Weird Al Yankovic is, he was equally unfamiliar with Michael Jackson's " Beat It ", the song that "Eat It" was based on. I wanted to show him the Weird Al song, but "Eat It" is only funny if you know "Beat It." After showing him the videos for both tunes (he laughed), he went off to do this own thing, while I remained at the desktop and allowed myself to get sucked into Youtube's collection of Weird Al songs and clips. The realization hit me: many of the songs that Weird Al made in fun are actually better tunes than the ones being parodied. Here, then, is my list of the best Weird Al creations that are better than the original: 5 . " Achy Breaky Song " Original : "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus Comment: This one is unique in that the entire point of the Weird ...